Sunday, May 6, 2012

Twitter and GOP Candidates

With the GOP race for the presidential nomination nearing a end (there's still two candidates in this race: Mitt Romney and Ron Paul and the number of delegates to win is 1,144) I was curious to see how popular (follower wise) the candidates are among those of us on Twitter.  Here's are the results I found:

Mitt Romney:

Ron Paul:

Newt Gingrich:

Rick Santorum:

(Resource:, date 5/6/12)

Anyone find the results surprising?  Newt Gingrich by far reached out to the Twitter nation during his campaign, while he was still in the race.  Of course, he utilized Twitter as a campaigning tool by encouraging his constituents to tweet with the hashtag #250gas.  

As of today, however, we look at Mitt Romney and Ron Paul--the two remaining candidates for the GOP presidential nomination.  Mitt Romney easily defeats Ron Paul in the number of voters by roughly 330,000.  With that being said, this raises the question, "Does the number of followers the candidate have really mean anything?"  

Again, going by the results, Newt Gingrich easily had a larger "fan" base on Twitter than any of the other candidates.  However, he ended his bid for president of the United States several days ago, which suggests that the number of followers a candidate has on Twitter doesn't necessarily translate into votes during the race.  

So, one may question on whether or not it helps a candidate's nomination prospects by using social media tools to get their message across.  Of course, the results on Facebook may be a different story.  Stay tuned for a future blog post on that.  

The race to the Republican National Convention has been a long one, but come August we shall see who takes the the nomination to face President Obama for President of the United States.   

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